Governance refers to the mechanisms by which decentralised networks adapt and change over time. AVT holders have a stake in the network and as such can propose to adapt the way the code runs by initiating a governance proposal. Other AVT holders can then vote on the proposal to determine wether the network agrees or disagrees with the change.
Method: Create a governance proposal to be voted on
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
desc | string | Either just a title or a pointer to IPFS details |
bytecode | bytes | The bytecode to be run if the proposal succeeds |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the new governance proposal been created |
sender | address | ✔ | Address of the governance proposal sender |
desc | string | ✘ | Either just a title or a pointer to IPFS details |
lobbyingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote lobbying period |
votingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the voting period |
revealingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote revealing period |
revealingEnd | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the end of the vote revealing period |
deposit | uint | ✘ | The deposit value in AVT for the new corporate governance proposal |
bytecode | bytes | ✘ | The bytecode to be run if the proposal succeeds |
Method: End the governance proposal: will unlock the deposit.
NOTE: Can only be called once vote revealing has finished.
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the governance proposal |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the governance proposal |
votesFor | uint | ✘ | Total number of votes for the governance proposal |
votesAgainst | uint | ✘ | Total number of votes against the governance proposal |
implemented | bool | ✘ | Returns true if the bytecode assigned to the governance proposal has been run successfully, otherwise returns false |
Method: Get the governance proposal deposit
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalDeposit | uint | The deposit value in AVT for the governance proposal |
Community Proposals
Community Proposals are similar to governance proposals but do not programatically affect the system, only offering advisory proposals
Method: Create a community proposal to be voted on
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
desc | string | Description of the new community proposal, preferably with a URL for further details |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the new community proposal been created |
sender | address | ✔ | Address of the community proposal sender |
desc | string | ✘ | Description of the proposal, preferably with a URL for further details |
lobbyingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote lobbying period |
votingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the voting period |
revealingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote revealing period |
revealingEnd | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the end of the vote revealing period |
deposit | uint | ✘ | The deposit value in AVT for the new community proposal |
Method: End the community proposal: will unlock the deposit.
NOTE: Can only be called once vote revealing has finished.
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the community proposal to be ended |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the proposal to be ended |
votesFor | uint | ✘ | Total number of votes for the community proposal |
votesAgainst | uint | ✘ | Total number of votes against the community proposal |
Method: Get the community proposal deposit
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalDeposit | uint | The deposit value in AVT for the community proposal |
Challenges are a way for any AVT holder to challenge a user of the network if they deem them to be a bad actor. The community then has a chance to penalise the Protocol user based on the evidence provided by the challenger.
Each member and each event has a deposit of AVT put up by the Protocol user and crucially AVT must be put up by the challenger in order to initiate. Both these amounts of AVT are at stake and depending on the outcome of the vote will be shared with the winning side.
Event Challenges
Create a challenge for the specified event, locks a deposit and starts voting process, can be called by anyone
Method: Note: Requires a deposit to be made. See
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventId | uint | A unique identifier for the event on the Protocol |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventId | uint | A unique identifier for the event on the Protocol |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
lobbyingStart | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote lobbying period |
votingStart | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the voting period |
revealingStart | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote revealing period |
revealingEnd | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for the end of the vote revealing period |
Method: Ends a challenge on the specified event
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventId | uint | A unique identifier for the event on the Protocol |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventId | uint | A unique identifier for the event on the Protocol |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
votesFor | uint | Total number of votes for a challenge |
votesAgainst | uint | Total number of votes against a challenge |
Method: Claim winnings from a proposal if caller voted on the winning side. Results in the caller's share of any proposal winnings being put into their AVT account.
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
Member Challenges
Method: Create a challenge for the specified member
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
memberAddress | address | Address of the member to be challenged |
memberType | string | Type of the member to be challenged |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
memberAddress | address | ✔ | Address of the member been challenged |
memberType | string | ✘ | Type of the member been challenged, either Primary or Secondary |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
lobbyingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote lobbying period |
votingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the voting period |
revealingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote revealing period |
revealingEnd | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the end of the vote revealing period |
Method: Ends a challenge on the specified member
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
memberAddress | address | Address of the member to stop being challenged |
memberType | string | Type of the member to stop being challenged, either Primary or Secondary |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
memberAddress | address | ✔ | Address of the member been ended the challenge |
memberType | string | ✘ | Type of the member been ended the challenge, either Primary or Secondary |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
votesFor | uint | ✘ | Total number of votes for a challenge |
votesAgainst | uint | ✘ | Total number of votes against a challenge |
Method: Check if the given member is allowed to use the Aventus Protocol or not.
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
memberAddress | address | Address of the member to be checked |
memberType | string | Type of the member to be checked, either Primary or Secondary |
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
isActive | bool | ✘ | Returns true if the given member is registered AND not fraudulent, otherwise returns false |
Method: Gets the deposit paid by the specified member
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
memberAddress | address | Address of the member |
memberType | string | Type of the member, either Primary or Secondary |
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
memberDepositInAVT | uint | ✘ | The amount of AVT been deposited to events by the member, expressed in attoavts |
AVT holders can vote on governance proposals, community proposals and event challenges; their voting weight determined by the amount of AVT they hold, acting as their stake in the vote.
Method: Get the starting time of a vote
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
Parameter | Type | Description |
votingStartTime | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the voting period |
Method: Get the ending time of a vote / start of the vote's reveal period
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
Parameter | Type | Description |
votingRevealStartTime | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for voting period ends/revealing period starts; zero if no matching proposalId |
Method: Get the ending time of a vote's revealing period
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
Parameter | Type | Description |
votingRevealEndTime | uint | UNIX epoch timestamp for the revealing period ends; zero if no matching proposalId. |
Method: Cast a vote on one of a given proposal's options
NOTE: Vote must be revealed within the proposal revealing period to count.
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
secret | bytes32 | The secret vote: Sha3(signed Sha3(option ID)) |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
sender | address | ✔ | Address of the proposal sender |
secret | bytes32 | ✘ | The secret vote: Sha3(signed Sha3(option ID)) |
Method: Cancel a vote on one of a given proposal's options
NOTE: Vote must be cancelled within the voting period.
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
sender | address | ✔ | Address of the proposal sender |
Method: Reveal a vote on a proposal
NOTE: Votes only count if the caller has AVT when they reveal their vote (see IAVTManager.sol)
Method Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Description |
signedMessage | bytes | A signed message |
proposalId | uint | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
optId | uint | ID of option that was voted on |
Response: Log Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Type | Indexed | Description |
proposalId | uint | ✔ | A unique identifier for the challenge on the Protocol |
sender | address | ✔ | Address of the proposal sender |
optId | uint | ✔ | ID of option that was voted on |
revealingStart | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the start of the vote revealing period |
revealingEnd | uint | ✘ | UNIX epoch timestamp for the end of the vote revealing period |
We also have some general helper methods that may be useful while interacting with the Protocol
Method: Timestamp of the current time on the main net or the mock time on a test network
Method Parameter Descriptions
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------- | |time
| uint | The current time on the main net or the mock time on a test network |